Special Purpose Vehicles can be set up when complex projects require long term legal partnerships to be created often amonge different parties. At Miles Platting in Manchester, Lovell worked with the City council, Housing Associations and Private funders to create a new neighborhood.  

This successful SPV has been in existence for over 15 years and has transformed a part of Manchester that was neglected into a thriving new community.

Like many SPVs, Miles Platting brings the best of the private and public sectors together. Using the commercial skills of Lovell to bring new tenures to an area which provides the financial support to create new affordable homes.  

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Recognised with two national Homes and Communities Agency awards: the Award for Excellence and the Skills for Better Places Award, the judging panel described the training as “an excellent project demonstrating an innovative approach to staff recruitment and training through the use of apprenticeships”. The Co-operative Group, said it had “succeeded in going above and beyond its contractual obligations, resulting in a scheme that was having a demonstrable impact on the local community”.

The judging panel & The Co-operative Group

A Special Purpose Vehicle is created to deliver complex schemes, and at Lovell we have all the necessary skills within the business to work with a partner developing such project. With the financial strength of the Morgan Sindall Group backing we can deliver where others can't.

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