
15 / 03 / 2023

As part of Morgan Sindall Group plc, we are celebrate the new two year partnership to restore the #GreatNorthernBog by our parent company, Morgan Sindall Group, further demonstrating our Group's commitment to investing in conservation and restoration projects to help tackle climate change that will benefit future generations.

This project will locate, develop, and restore 300 hectares of severely damaged blanket bog in the North Pennines AONB, UNESCO Global Geopark, the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and the surrounding upland areas. It is a landscape approach to restoration across nearly 7,000 square kilometres of upland and in time, it has the potential to avoid annual carbon losses estimated at 3.7m tonnes/year, in doing so reducing UK peatland emissions by almost 20%. Eleven sites have already been identified, and the process of rewetting has begun.

Warcop Cumbria 2015 before the peat


Quote from John Morgan our chief executive:

“We recognise that healthy peatlands provide many benefits to society and are vital in helping tackle the climate and biodiversity crises. The peatland restoration programmes of northern England have developed a vision to match the scale of this ecological challenge,”

Warcop Cumbria 2021 after the peat

“This is a really exciting partnership for us because their vision aligns with one of our strategic aims to not only become net zero ourselves, but also to help others do the same. 

North bog

Find out more about this innovative project in the joint press Release issued by North Pennines AONB Partnership and Morgan Sindall Group plc.