Cllr Michael de Whalley, Cabinet member for Climate Change and Biodiversity, said: “This development has beautiful carstone bricks to match the Victorian heritage in Hunstanton. These homes, destined for local people, have improved biodiversity credentials through the inclusion of bee bricks and sparrow boxes. This is the first time they've been included on a development of flats within the borough council housing programme.

“Cllr Bullen and the Urban Wildlife Working Group had recommended that the council consider using bee and bird bricks in future developments and I’m pleased to see them included in this one. This sets a great example for other developers in west Norfolk to hopefully follow.”
Cllr Andy Bullen added: “Lockdown demonstrated how important wildlife is for mental wellbeing and we can engage with wildlife. Often wildlife, such as sparrows, bees, bats, hedgehogs and more do rely on us for their survival. If we engage and support them the enjoyment that you can get out of it is incredible.
“Lovell, who are building these bricks into this new development, are setting a wonderful example for other developers. I welcome this small investment by the borough council here and hope that it encourages other developers to always consider wildlife when they carry out work big or small.”
Four sparrow nest boxes and four bumble bee bricks are to be incorporated into this development at a total cost of around £700.
Simon Medler, managing director at Lovell, said: “As a responsible developer we are committed to helping to improve areas where we build for the local community, including the wildlife! Bee bricks provide a habitat for solitary bees and help make the area more wildlife friendly, and the bird boxes will make a great home and attract birds to this coastal development. We’re really proud to work with the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk to build more sustainable developments in West Norfolk and at Southend Road, using sustainable products where possible.”
The Southend Road scheme is the result of a partnership between the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk and development firm Lovell. 32 new homes are being built, 6 of which will be affordable. The funding for this scheme includes a £520,000 Homes England grant under its Accelerated Construction Programme, which helps authorities to deliver new homes more quickly.
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Or contact: Tim Baldwin on 01553 616506