With our partners in regional government we are embarking on one of the most innovate partnerships in the UK, providing much needed new homes on a range of brownfield sites in the Black Country. Our joint venture relationship with Walsall Housing Group is a key ingredient of this initiative. 

The partnership in the West Midlands is bringing much needed housing on brownfield sites.  Areas are being regenerated to create new homes and communities. 

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We can share risk with our partners by either using a joint venture approach or alternatively sharing sales risks and costs on individual schemes. Our partners get the benefit of our sales expertise and share the profit from any market sales we make. The innovative award winning partnership in Kings Lynn has seen Lovell and the local authority build hundreds of homes for sale, affordable rent and private rent using this model 

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“Reducing electricity bills is a positive step to address fuel poverty. Investing in installing solar panels from the outset guarantees we have all the necessary infrastructure is in place, to enable any future upgrades when technology improves even further.”

 Adam Preece, New Business Manager for LiveWest

Lovell to bring LiveWest's eco strategy to life
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